
2021年11月14日—Hieveryone,.OneofmyemployeestryingtoopenanExcelfilelocatedonshearedfolderbuthegetsanerrorsmessagesaid:“cannotopen ...,2023年8月5日—Thissoundsliketheerrormessagestated,thefullfilepath,includingthefilename,istoolongnowforExceltobeabletoopenthefile.,Thisisisbeingcausedbythefilepathbeingtoolong.Excelseemslikeitiscurrentlyunabletoopenanyfilesthatexceed256charactersintheirfilepath ......

cannot open the file because the file path is more than 259 ...

2021年11月14日 — Hi everyone,. One of my employees trying to open an Excel file located on sheared folder but he gets an errors message said: “cannot open ...

File path is too long, now I can't open my Excel file

2023年8月5日 — This sounds like the error message stated, the full file path, including the file name, is too long now for Excel to be able to open the file.

Error message while opening Excel file with a very long ...

This is is being caused by the file path being too long. Excel seems like it is currently unable to open any files that exceed 256 characters in their file path ...

Can't open an Office file that has a long folder name

2022年5月5日 — The path you entered, is too long. Enter a shorter path. File Name could not be found. Check the spelling of the filename, and verify that ...

How to Open Files with Very Long Paths on the Windows Client

2020年4月8日 — When you try to open an Excel file with an extremely long name from the Windows Client's mounted drive, you may see the error below:.

Office 365 Excel wont open files with long file names, any ...

2019年8月6日 — We are using Office 365 and in Excel when someone tries to open a file that has a long path and filename we get an error that it cant be ...

How to solve the prompt that the file name is too long ...

2023年6月12日 — When encountering a file name is too long error when trying to open an Excel file stored on a network-attached storage (NAS), you can try the ...

Error message when you open or save a file in ...

The path you entered, <path>, is too long. Enter a shorter path. Also, if you attempt to save a file and the path exceeds 255 characters, you will receive ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
